Laughing over some pot roast and a great game of cards against humanity.

Meet Nicole

Laughing over some pot roast and a great game of cards against humanity. Hi, I’m Nicole.

A digital native and a wanderlust-struck redhead who makes the most of life in Austin, TX. Thanks for visiting my blog! I hope you find a tasty creation or two. I love to learn cultural cuisine and would be happy to make you dinner – you bring the wine.

Follow me on Instagram and twitter for more foodie and travel updates, and sometimes cat snaps!

In 2007, I was making grilled cheese by toasting sliced bread and then microwaving a Kraft singles in the middle. Let’s just say, I’ve met many talented chefs and learned a thing or 2 in the past few years. My tastes are all over the map as I started to cook during a 6-year stint as a pseudo-vegetarian and am now a balanced-eating all-food loving creator of cuisine.

A Few Things about Nicole.

 What are your 3 must-sees in any city you travel to?
Spice Market/Food Market for a taste of local cuisine
Street art/graffiti

What’s the best souvenir you’ve ever brought back from your travels?
Recipes, along with Turkish Delight and spices from the Spice Bazaar in Istanbul.

What’s the best travel advice you’ve received?
“Never go to a taqueria with an empty parking lot…”

What was your first international destination?
Firenze, Italia. I decided to drop out of UT for a semester to go study mask making and commedia dell’arte in Arezzo. It was terrifying to land knowing no one, but as soon as I stepped out of the plane, I knew I was in for the greatest adventure (thus far) in my life.

Favorite US getaway?
Hopping on a cheap flight to San Fransisco for the weekend, milling around the Mission for good eats, and getting my nerd on at the Exploratorium. Or a spa hidden in the mountains of New Mexico.

Hotels, Hostels or Houses?
Houses/apartments all the way! AirBNB for the win!

What’s the most interesting encounter you’ve had with a person on your travels?
When I was a student in Arezzo, Italy, a group of us were going to Milan for the weekend. A Romanian woman and her baby were on the train with us. She spoke no English, only broken Italian; my Italian skills were meager. After some smiles she handed me her baby and waved. A stranger had left me with her infant on a train in Italy. The relief was intense when she finally returned nearly half an hour later.

What’s your favorite travel guide/advice source?
Anthony Bourdain—can you tell I’m a bit obsessed with food! Also, Anthony, if you see this, I’d love to be a writer for your shows.

What’s your mode of transport?
Preferably my bike for small distances, though I did recently see a guy texting and trotting on his horse down South Congress in Austin, which looks like a pretty legit way to see the city.

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